Today was the day :) Our ultrasound was such an awesome experience and I LOVED getting to see HIM move around and know that all his little body parts are there and working. He has 10 fingers and 10 toes and his heart has 4 chamber (normal for you non-medical folks) and everything was perfect.
The only abnormal thing (which is apparently pretty common) is that the umbilical cord has 3 parts instead of 2. This just means they have to watch the baby more closely to make sure he is on track in the growth department, so we will be seeing a lot of him over the next few months on the ultrasounds! This also means that I will most likely have to be induced at 39 weeks or I suppose we will be meeting our sweet baby boy around the end of March :) BUT no worries...Dr. Taavon assured me that everything is going to be fine and that I have no reason to worry any "extra." Just PLEASE pray for us that he is right and pray for me to NOT worry about this! Even though he says not to, of course I am (I worry about everything).
I am working on getting the ultrasound pictures up on here...but without a scanner all I can do is take a picture of the picture (on my phone...still no camera charger!) and upload it, so this will have to do for now! We just love him to death already!
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