We have spent most of the past week doing research on the important baby gear that we are going to need...like car seats, strollers, and baby carriers. Who knew this could be so complicated???
Last week at this time we had our minds set on a travel system of some sort, but after going to Babies R Us twice last week (once with hubby and once with Momma) and testing some out we decided that wasn't for us. The strollers are huge and bulky even when folded up (we both drive small cars), and the way the infant seat sits in the stroller is awkward. Lets also keep in mind that I plan on being a "baby-wearing" mother rather than a stroller mom, at least for the first while (more on this later...), so the infant stroller portion of the travel system wasn't AS important to me. We started back at square one, and eventually decided we wanted a Britax infant car seat...only to discover that they are large and will not fit in either of our cars. So what have we decided on? The Chicco Keyfit 30 car seat! It allows infants to be rear-facing up to 30lbs, comes in awesome colors, and has amazing safety ratings (obviously important for our little bundle!).
We still have yet to decide on a stroller, but we do know that we want something light-weight, compact when folded, that works for infants to toddlers.
We HAVE decided on the perfect carrier for us though! The baby carrier post may be a bit long, so I will post it seperately :)
****11 days til we find out what little bit is! Boy? Girl? Any guesses? We can't wait!!! :)
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